Make sure your voice mail message is appropriate.
If you can not answer the phone call at anytime of the day due to certain obligations- work, school, etc.- have a professional sounding message. You do not want to send any bad first impressions due to the voicemail. No songs or music recorded. Make sure your voice mailbox is not full and able to receive messages. If you got a new phone or switched to a new phone carrier, do not forget to set up the voice mail box as well. There are many times when I have to contact people, their voice mailbox are either full or not set up, and I could not leave a message at all. You do not want to forfeit the opportunity for the position just because you forgot to empty those saved party messages your friends left you.
Do not answer the phone if the setting you are in is not perfect.
Let the phone call go into voice mail if you are at a party or have a lot of background noise. You do not want any distractions or interruptions when answering an important phone call. You want to be the one in control. This way, you can be sure of the right time and date for either the phone or in-person interview.
Answer the phone with a smile (^_^)!
Research shown that people that answer the phone with a smile sound more personable and friendly regardless of how the person is actually feeling. Sounding friendly will provoke the caller looking forward to the interview with you. Knowing phone ettiquette is a plus if you are hoping to get a receptionist or concierge position.
If the phone number listed is a home number, alert people at home.
Not every one has the luxury of cell phones. So if your primary contact phone number is your home, alert the people that live with you that you are expecting a call to setup an interview. Make sure an adult is answering the phone. Do not let any children to answer the phone. Give tips to adults at home to answer appropriately as well. Since not all households have Caller ID implemented. I think saying, "[Insert Family Name here] residenc," is enough. Remember to change the answering machine message as well. Refer to the first point.
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