Research the company.
Read the mission statement of the company. Research what the company is going through and incorporate your answers to the questions asked. If you go into an interview and have no clue what the company or firm does, you will just look like all you care about is the money you will be getting from the company. Many companies these days want enthusiastic employees and by knowing about what's going on and what you can do for the company will put you ahead of those who didn't do their homework.
Questions about yourself.
Most interviews start out with the usual questions and statements like:
- Tell me something about yourself. If you are not sure about what to say, start out with hobbies and what you like to do when you have free time that can relate to the skills needed for the job you are applying for. This statement allows the interviewer to open you up and learn something unique about you. If you have the same interests as the interviewer, then that would be a plus! Make sure you do not tell your life story. Limit this answer to two to three minutes. If you can not think of anything, mention where you went to school and what degree you got.
- What are your strengths? State your strengths that relates to the position you are applying for. Give an example of how you used each of your strengths. Be prepared to explain about three strengths along with experiences.
- What are your weaknesses? This one is a tricky question, but make sure you answer this correctly. Do not answer that you do not possess any weakness. If you do so, you would sound like you are perfect and no one is perfect. You want to present yourself as someone who is always learning to become a better individual. So an example of my weakness is that I like to take on many assignments that I can not finish. So to better phrase this so the weakness doesn't sound negative would be: One of my goals is striving to delegate tasks so I will not be overwhelmed.
- Do you prefer to work by yourself or in teams? Give the answer of both. Why not allow the firm have the best of both worlds? Working by yourself means you can handle things on your own without supervision. Working in teams are a must because many companies are emphasing in teamwork.
- Why would you want to work for us?
- Why are you interested in this position?
- What do you know about our company?
- Why would you want to work in this industry?
- What interests you about our services or products?
- What was the most rewarding experience have you had in the past while working?
- How have your education or past working experience prepare you for this positon?
- What is a typical workday like?
- What job functions you liked the most and least? Why?
- Do you have any computer skills and what are they?
- Who was your toughest boss and why?
- What was the reason you left your last job? (or leaving your current job?)
- How would you be an asset to the company?
- If the position was offered, where do you see yourself in five or ten years from now?
- What is your way of getting along with a group of diverse co-workers?
- What would you like to get out of working for this company?
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