If you are hoping to find a job or get promoted, you landed on to the right blog! Here, you will find some great tips on getting promoted.
I hope you will be more encouraged to read and follow me with some background information on myself. My mom and dad started their own business in wholesale custome jewelry and watches. Since I was a toddler, I would help out with the family business by promoting the merchandise and informing our customers the discounts we offered. As years went by, I helped with the sales and customer service. As globalization increased, a lot of our customers didn't go to us for their inventory anymore so my dad decided to close shop and retire. After graduating from high school, I started working and racking up some outside world retail experience. So to sum up my so-far life story, I have about 11 years of experience in customer service and sales.
I recently got recruited to a new job in April 2012 as a receptionist for a senior living facility and I found out that I was replacing the person that was getting promoted to be the Assistant Office Manager. I'll give this person a name- Fettucine. I learned that he was promoted within and the company that I'm working for prefers to promote within unless the needed talent was not available. My goal is to get promoted within three years time. It took Fettucine four years time.
I will be researching some tips and adding some of my own advice on how to get an interview, land the job and constantly getting promoted in the economy we have today.
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